!!Configurations and Requests Rules - Read before posting!!

Post or request custom configuration files.
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!!Configurations and Requests Rules - Read before posting!!

Post by GoDlike »

It's really not long. I tried to write as few rules as possible. Please read them to ensure good communication between us on the forums.

1. Requesting configurations
  1. Include well explaining name for your topic and use tags to describe what you need. Use platform tags and also use [Request] tag.
    • Good - "[Request][X360]Halo:Reach" | Bad - "HELP! NEED CONFIG! OMG!"
    • Good - "[Request][G29]Speed Link Drift OZ Racing Wheel" | Bad - "Need a Speed Link Drift OZ Racing Wheel config"
  2. Remember to include platform you want to config work on. It may looks pretty stupid when game is a one platform exclusive but not everyone knows about that. It's best to do include platform tag in the title [X360][PS3][PS4][G29][G27] etc. You don't need to include console tag like [PS4] when you need [G29] config as it's intended only for this console.
2. Posting configurations
  1. Include well explaining name for your topic and use tags to describe what you want to post. Use platform tags and include [Config] tag.
    • Good - "[Config][X360]Halo: CEA" | Bad - "Halo Config SUPERB"
    • Good - "[Config][G29]Logitech MOMO Force GT" | Bad - Logitech MOMO Force GT"
    • Good - "[Config][PS4]Xbox One Controller" | Bad - Xbox one Controller PS4"
  2. Remember to include platform that config work on. It may looks pretty stupid when game is a one platform exclusive but not everyone knows about that. It's best to do include platform tag in the title [X360][PS3][PS4][G29][G27] etc. You don't need to include console tag like [PS4] when you need [G29] config as it's intended only for this console.
  3. For posting new configurations please use the following template:
    • Game: (Required only for game specific configs) (Game title here)
    • Platform: (Platform you tested config on eg. PS3/X360/PS4)
    • Device: (Device one need to use with this config. Mouse/Pad/Steering Wheel)
    • Playability: (Required only for Mouse, remove if not needed) (Select playability from list and remove unneeded ones)
    • Config data:

      Code: Select all

       Paste config data here. In order to obtain it, go to gimx-launcher->File->Open config directory. Open your config with notepad or other text editor and paste it's data here
    • Notes: Any info you want to be included with this config

      Copy/Paste code for this template is available in the second post. Just paste in into new post and fill it with values.
  4. Do not use external hosting services for posting configurations. We already lost some of them due to file deletion after some time. Include config data in code tags. It will never get deleted if you post it on the forums.

This set of rules may change at any time. It does not apply to past topics.
If you have any suggestions about rules please send me a private message.
My hardware: PS3 Slim CFW 4.80 | PS4 Pro 500 Million LE | PS5 | Xbox Series X
Steam: Godlike_RU | PSN: GoDlike_RU | XBL: GoDlike
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Posts: 1314
Joined: Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:47 pm
Location: Poland

Re: !!Configurations and Requests Rules - Read before posting!!

Post by GoDlike »

Game: [b](Game title here)[/b]
Platform: [b](Platform you tested config on eg. PS3/X360/PS4)[/b]
Device: [b](Device one need to use with this config. [color=#FF0000]Mouse/Pad/Steering Wheel[/color])[/b]
Playability: [b]([color=#00BF00]Good[/color]/[color=#FFBF00]Average[/color]/[color=#FF8000]Bad[/color]/[color=#FF0000]Unplayable[/color])
Config data: [code] Paste config data here. [/code]
Notes: Any info you want to be included with this config
My hardware: PS3 Slim CFW 4.80 | PS4 Pro 500 Million LE | PS5 | Xbox Series X
Steam: Godlike_RU | PSN: GoDlike_RU | XBL: GoDlike