Wake PS3 over Bluetooth

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Wake PS3 over Bluetooth

Post by Vegz78 »


I have a setup akin to @erfg12 's "Stream Xbox 360 and PS3 games to your GPDWin/Mac" post, where I stream my PS3 via a Windows server with Elgato HD60 to my Raspberry Pis or other devices on the LAN/remotely.

When playing PS3 games like this, it is convenient to power on/wake the PS3 remotely over Bluetooth.

I have therefore made a script, WakePS3, using GIMX to remotely power on my PS3 via a Raspberry Pi, but which should also work on other Linux devices as well:

In addition, I have made a Windows batch script package, PS3FromWin, which calls the above script from my Windows game streaming server, and sets up the PS3 gaming session:

Maybe more about my PS3 setup or my attempts/ambitions for routing controller inputs wirelessly via the Raspberry Pi with GIMX later...

Hope this can be useful for others, as well! ;-)

Last edited by Vegz78 on Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wake PS3 over Bluetooth

Post by LoneWolf81 »

Thank you for the tutorial :)
Please Remember to Post your Log file in the support section , that way its easier and faster to start identifying the issue thus helping you to sort it out so you can enjoy GIMX :D .
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